How The Recovery Village Supports New Jersey Alumni

Last Updated: March 24, 2023

Editorial Policy | Research Policy

Though treatment at an addiction rehab facility is incredibly helpful, it’s only the first step toward lifelong recovery. Without aftercare services like support groups, educational resources and relapse prevention plans, it can be easy to return to old, destructive habits and behaviors.

This is why The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper includes aftercare planning as an integrated part of each treatment program. We help alumni bridge the gap between rehab treatment and day-to-day life in recovery with these individualized plans.

How Marijuana Decriminalization Affects Your Post-Rehab Recovery

Last year, New Jersey residents voted to legalize marijuana use for people aged 21 and older. While this has its benefits, such as additional funding for addiction resources, it may create hard-to-ignore temptations for people in recovery from marijuana addiction. For this reason, aftercare programs in the state are more important than ever — especially for people who have struggled with marijuana in the past.

Aftercare Planning

During a client’s treatment at rehab, a team of addiction experts works to create a customized aftercare plan that will work well for the client’s situation. This aftercare plan typically includes:

  • Access to support groups
  • Online recovery support resources
  • Group and individual therapy
  • Routine follow-up appointments and check-ins
  • Relapse prevention plans and strategies
  • Maintenance medications, if needed
  • Admission to sober living communities

These resources give alumni to find a support network outside of rehab, continue the healing process and learn helpful ways to avoid substance use in the future.

Support Groups and Sponsorships

As part of the aftercare plan, we help clients connect with support groups after completing treatment. Support groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART Recovery, are invaluable resources for many people in recovery. Through group meetings and the ongoing support of peers, members can hold themselves and one another accountable for sobriety. Additionally, support groups foster a sense of community that allows members to share advice, stories and strategies involving the recovery process.

In most support groups, longtime members support those in early recovery through sponsorship. The sponsor acts as a mentor to the newly sober member, helping them navigate the difficult period of early recovery and creating a feeling of accountability.

Sober Living Accommodations

It’s important to begin post-rehab recovery in a safe, secure and comfortable environment. Unfortunately, some home situations are filled with difficult and triggering situations that could cause someone to relapse. In these cases, a sober living community is an option that allows people to live in a substance-free home while they continue practicing sobriety strategies.

Alumni Access

Alumni of The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper also gain access to several online resources and services. We even host events, monthly check-ins and career/financial advising sessions.

Alumni Check-ins and Recovery Meetings

We stay in touch with alumni through a variety of family-friendly events, monthly check-ins and follow-up meetings. These allow alumni to keep connected with us and their peers, and it also helps us to provide assistance when issues arise in someone’s recovery.

It’s important for people in recovery to have access to peer and family support, which is why we offer free-to-use online recovery chat rooms. Anyone in recovery can connect remotely with support group members, friends and family members in a private, confidential virtual space.

Telehealth App and Patient Portal

Alumni can continue the ongoing healing process through our easy-to-use telehealth app. The app allows people in recovery to connect with licensed mental health professionals for therapy, medication assistance and other forms of treatment. It’s incredibly accessible as well — all you need is a smartphone, tablet or computer in order to connect, and you can get life-changing treatment from the comfort of your own home.

Alumni can also register with our patient portal to gain access to a wide variety of resources, including clinical videos, mindfulness strategies, breathing exercises, guided yoga, online journaling services and other tools that promote mental and physical wellbeing in recovery.

Other Recovery Resources

We offer helpful recovery-related information on our website, including overviews on types of drugs, treatment strategies, the effects of substance use and much more. In addition, we provide access to educational video content and webinars led by medical professionals and other addiction experts.


Our official YouTube channel is home to a wide variety of informative videos that cover all things related to addiction and recovery. Here you can find testimonials, facility walkthroughs, drug information, recovery stories and much more. Additionally, we host clinical videos on our website that can help you better understand addiction, how it’s treated and how the recovery process works.

On-Demand Webinars

In addition to our educational videos, we provide free access to our archive of professionally-led webinars. In these online presentations, mental health and addiction experts discuss topics like self-care, the role of family, types of treatment, trauma, relapse prevention and many others.

If you or a loved one are struggling with substance use or a co-occurring mental health condition, The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about treatment plans and programs that can work well for your situation.


Our Recovery Advocates are ready to answer your questions about addiction treatment and help you start your recovery.

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